Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I am loved. :)

My heartmelting moment of the day was during the kindergarten lunch. My little friend, Abbey, crept her arms around my waist, and I heard a muffled, "I love you." :)


Thursday, September 17, 2009


Hola Clase,
Profe here! You have your first vocabulary quiz tomorrow! Don't forget to give yourselves a pre-test (write the Spanish word down and then what it means in English -- then check your Spanish spellings!)

Padres (Parents), Ask your child:

Como te llamas?
Que hay en la clase?

Have fun together talking about meanings and pronunciation. Clase, WOW your familia with the vocabulary and conversation skills you have learned in just one week!!!

Nos vemos! (I'll be seeing you!)


Monday, September 14, 2009

Spanish alfabeto

Estudiantes! You did an excelente job getting your binders and tabs finished for today!

Don't forget to study your alfabeto tonight as well as your nuevo vocabulario.

Can you name the cuatro extra letters of the Spanish alfabeto?

http://www.classzone.com is a great resource for virtual flashcards. Also, pre-testing for spelling mistakes and paper flashcards are great strategies.

Si, se puede! Yes, you can!

un abrazo, (a hug)


NERDS and biceps

Clase & Familias,

I'm writing to you today amidst the happy din of 5th graders running down the hall towards lunch. I am a Title I teacher at Parma Elementary in the afternoons (I pull kids out to give them extra math and reading help).

My favorite time of the whole day is my first hour at Parma when I help the kindergarteners at lunch. To them, I am the queen of knowing just how to open that crinkly milk carton and the pro at tearing open those greasy ketchup packets. Yum. Besides loving the feeling of being every little person's hero, I adore this time for the HILARIOUS things these kids say!

For example, last Friday, one little friend was eating out of a little box of Nerds. He exclaimed to his buds (with a mouthful of little red and purple pebbles), "Hey GUYS!!! I know why 'dey call 'dem NERDS! Betuz a NERD makes 'em!!!" You can imagine the baby cackles and roars his joke received.

Today, a little petite blonde with huge blue eyes asked me to open her milk. While I'm doing that she says, "Now feel these guns." I say, "Umm, what did you say, Honey?" And I look up to see her little face pinched in concentration as she flexes her little arm. "WOAH," I comment as I feel her "bicep" -- only to then have to go around the table to feel everybody elses "biceps".

I love these kids.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Choosing Names!

Today we chose Spanish names. We went around the classroom and said our new chosen "Spanish" name and a country we would like to visit. I am already so orgulloza (proud) of my new Spanish I team because they were choosing countries ALL OVER THE WORLD -- normal tourist attractions to smaller hidden wonders. We are going to have a great time learning and celebrating other culturas.

When "Alfredo" walked into class today he enthusiastically said, "I am SO excited to be here!" Thank you, Alfredo, for knowing just what to say to make a teacher's heart sing! :)

BRINDA! (Cheers!) to a great upcoming school year!

Today's homework:
Crossword due tomorrow (actually today, Thursday)
BINDERS w/5 tabs due Monday

Ask your child to recite the Spanish alphabet.
If he/she is brave, you will get a song performance, too!


Monday, September 7, 2009


Hola Clase y Familias! Hello Class and Families!

This is where you can get updates on classroom happenings -- future quizzes and their contents, practice questions, funny stories, and more! I am very excited about all of the possibilities!

Be sure to take home your introductory newsletter so that parents can sign it. That is your first homework grade (due Thursday) -- start out the year with an A+!

Also, remember to organize your 1" binder and 5 tabs for MONDAY. I have tabs and binders in the room that you can purchase for $1 each, and there is always the option of using manilla folders as your tabs instead.

Va a ser un año fantastico! It's going to be a FANTASTIC year!

Hasta mañana! See you tomorrow! :)